Sunday, 23 November 2014

An introduction to one of winter's most popular country sports!

A snap shot of a newcomer's experience....

A  friendly welcome is a great way to start the day and working with a team who shares your passion is a golden privilege...  

We all have to start somewhere...5 years ago my gun dog training began with no knowledge or experience of the working gun dog domain. I've enjoyed every training class and working test and met some fantastic handlers throughout my journey.  My  goal was focused towards taking Ivy on a shoot and experience being part of a picking up team. The shooting season is well under way and this year I've had an opportunity to join a picking up team for a local shoot.  A few of the beaters and pickers are newcomers which  has instinctively brought us together.  We've had two successful  days  so far and we're looking forward to many more.  I've tried to capture some moments  and thoughts with a snap shot of a newcomer's experience in one of winter's most popular country sports..... 
Sam and Margo

Sam was thrilled with his first day. "I had a great day on the first shoot. It was ideal for Margo! Due to the relaxed atmosphere which put me at ease and allowed me to really enjoy it. We were beating for 3 drives and then joined the picking up team for the rest of the day. I was really pleased with Margo's steadiness throughout the day, and look forward to many more days out in the field this season. The second shoot was such a great day and I'm so proud of my dog. I guess I would say that being thrown in at the deep end was probably the best thing that could have happened for me really. Margo was brilliant throughout the day. Prior to the shoot  I got very worried doing lots of classes and training sessions thinking that my dog wasn't ready to work. But in my opinion there is no substitute for going out there and having a go. I'm under no illusions that my dog will be a FTC but I think given time to iron out some of the faults Margo is going to make a great picking up / peg dog. I'm very proud of her!"

Emily and Dodger

Tim's got the beating bug!

Victoria and Emily - Heart of the beating
Emily loves being part of the team. "I've been beating many times before however never have I worked my own dog, and that's a completely different experience! The feeling I got was amazing and such a buzz! Knowing all the training and hard work had paid off was incredible! Seeing him flush his first few pheasants out put a smile on my face for the whole day! The atmosphere from everyone was brilliant it was such a laugh! I can't wait till the next time!!"

Minstrel relaxing after a long day!

Tim is elated with his first day. "Our first time beating and I can quite honestly say we loved it...despite the wet weather! I started the day not knowing how minstrel would behave, but she was great even to the point of picking up her first bird from then on she had pheasant on the brain, but still she kept her concentration and listened for my commands. We've been bitten by the bug! It was our second time beating yesterday and  we both turned up with a lot more confidence. Minstrel didn't disappoint. She was amazing and she's turning into a lovely little working girl. We had another great day!"

Murphy's first day!

Mark and Murphy having a cuppa!

Mark loved his beating experience. "We both enjoyed our first day beating together, even though we lost each other for a while in a forest full of Christmas trees! Murphy is a Patterdale Terrier cross Spaniel and will soon be 12 months old. He was rescued from a flooded farm as a pup in Somerset last winter. Murphy now knows what a pheasant is! First drive first pheasant flushed within 50 yards. It just got better from there... "
Lunch break!

Gun dog trainer Chris Walton from the Purbeck Gundog Club was delighted with the day. "The shoot has started from scratch with the guns who
know nothing about running a shoot relying on help
from those who do! A first for them, a first for most
of the beaters and pickers and a first for me running the line! I can honestly say that the second
week became easier and more relaxed, so by the end of the season we should all have cracked it! A jolly good learning curve for all. Good job I've got the voice for it!"

Looking calm and composed for the day ahead!

 Rick is the life and soul of the beating line. "I'm so pleased I said yes to going beating. Seeing the dogs work as they were intended to do with their owners, flushing the game out for the guns and the Labradors detailed to do the picking up, steady and ready fro action. Now I appreciate how it all works together. What a great day, roll on the next one!"  


Michelle loves being part of the beating team!

Archie and Dodger...Our devoted team!

 Katie and I...having a catch up before the day starts...


 What did I do with my brace of birds?


Thanks to my husband's superb culinary skills...Pheasant breasts braised in cider...Caramelised onions, bacon and cider combine in the perfect recipe for roast pheasant...Happy days! 

 Being part of a picking up team and working Ivy is truly incredible.  One of the biggest challenges in meeting any goal is finding the motivation to stick with it. Ivy is my motivation!